Demand Generation vs Lead Generation: What You Need to Know

Waseem Bashir
By Waseem Bashir

2 years ago

4 min read

Demand Generation vs Lead Generation: What You Need to Know

Understanding demand generation vs lead generation can solve your marketing problems and help you generate quality leads efficiently. If you are in the business of marketing, it is essential to understand what each type of marketing strategy can do for you.

You’ve probably been hearing the phrase “Demand Generation” more in recent years. It has got a lot of people wondering what this term means and how it relates to their business. What is demand generation? In the simplest terms, it’s the process of generating demand for your product or service. That doesn’t sound too hard, does it?

But wait—you may also have heard about Lead Generation. So what is this? Is it something different from Demand Generation? Why does every company need lead generation when they already have a demand generation strategy in place? As you can see, understanding these two terms seems pretty confusing at first glance. By reading this blog post, we hope that you will understand demand generation vs lead generation and decide which one best suits your needs!


What is Demand Generation?

Demand generation is a process that helps generate interest in your products or services with the ultimate goal of driving sales and revenue. It promotes brands as experts in their service areas and create credibility among the target audience. By answering the queries and common problems of the consumers, demand generation establishes your company as a reliable resource in the potential customer mindshare. It can eventually help you during sales time, as it will be easier to approach target clients with your product or services.

Some great demand generation strategies are:

  • Link Building: Link building refers to the process of getting links from different websites that point towards yours. It is an SEO tactic that involves publishing a quote in a newsletter or sharing a vision about the targeted market on various platforms. When prospects see your name pop up on reliable websites, it generates a sense of interest in them.
  • Writing Trendy Content: Writing trending content is inevitable in demand generation. Trending topics are always related to the latest consumer problems. Solving them will make you project your brand as someone that listens to the audience.
  • Doing Collaborations: Podcasts, webinars, videos, or any other form of content in collaboration with an area expert can help you provide more valuable information to your target consumers.


What is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is a process that captures contact information from potential customers who are interested in your products or services. This strategy is often used by companies with a sales-driven business model, like real estate agencies, insurance companies, financial institutions, consulting firms, SaaS, etc. With this strategy, you may pay for an ad on Facebook or Google to target specific demographics. Then, you can use the contact information of people interested in your product or service to market to them later.

Some prominent lead generation strategies include:

  • Lead Magnets: These are resources like whitepapers, ebooks, checklists, etc., that you can utilise as incentives in exchange for consumer information.
  • Landing Pages: It is a standalone page where prospects come when they click on a targeted ad. Marketers use landing pages to provide consumers with pinpoint information about a product or service and capture their data.
    Related: 5 Essentials of an Effective Lead Generation Landing Page
  • Lead Segmentation: You can’t target everyone that reads your article or visits your landing page; that is why you need to understand which leads have a high buying potential. Lead segmentation helps divide your leads into groups based on their attributes like demographics, online behaviour, etc., providing quality leads.

Suggested Read: Top 7 Lead Generation Channels To Boost Business Growth


What are The Benefits of Demand Generation and Lead Generation?

Lead generation helps collect contact information from potential customers. We can use this information to create a mailing list or a newsletter list. It can also assist in identifying sales leads and nurturing them over time. On the other hand, demand generation focuses on building interest in your product or service to drive sales volume. It’s not just about generating leads; it’s about creating a stepping-stone for conversion. You’re trying to get people interested in your product or service so that they will eventually buy it and become a customer.


Demand Generation vs Lead Generation: Where does each strategy work best?

It’s important to know where your business will benefit most from each type of marketing strategy.

Demand generation doesn’t work for everyone. Many companies have a long sales cycle, and the time spent on demand generation won’t be worth it because it takes too long for sales to come in. In contrast, lead generation is ideal for businesses with shorter sales cycles or those that need to build their email list. Lead generation can also work well with products or services with high margins and a low unit cost because lead conversion rates are much higher than average.


What to Consider When Choosing between Demand Generation Vs Lead Generation?

It all comes down to what you’re trying to accomplish. If your goal is to sell more products, then demand generation might be the best choice. But if your goal is to have a steady flow of leads, then lead generation might be more helpful.

For example, let’s say you want to generate interest in a new product and entice people to purchase it. A demand generation strategy would include advertising, marketing, and building relationships with influencers. Meanwhile, lead generation focuses on capturing contact information from potential customers who are already interested in your products or services. With this approach, you could use tactics like email newsletters, blogs, white papers, customised landing page templates to grow your mailing list of prospects.

In either case, you must know how much time and money each strategy will cost to make an informed decision about which one would work best for your business!



From the outset of a new marketing campaign, it is crucial to clarify the difference between lead generation vs demand generation. After all, it is important to identify the best strategy for your business. Take into consideration the type of company you have, the industry you are in, and how you want to approach your target audience. It will help you identify which strategy will work best for your business.

Whether it is demand generation or lead generation you want to use for your next marketing campaign, you can get a head start with the help of a landing page template. It can help create targeted ads for your potential customers and help you generate leads faster. You can check out some of our landing page templates here: 99Landing Page Inventory.

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